
The Blog

Creating Calm With Clare

An image to Welcome readers to the blog, Creating Calm with Clare. It includes a photograph of the author, Clare. She is wearing glasses, has long hair and is wearing a grey coat with a red scarf. She is standing in a park with trees. The image also includes the blog's square, green logo; the web address and; the blog’s category headings are listed as calm mind, calm body, calm parent, calm child, calm house, calm home.

I hope you find inspiration here to create the calm life you crave.

A Green and White Heading which says "Featured Posts" . It is desigined to help readers to quickly locate the blog's featured posts from this week and last week.

This Week

Part 5

Part 5 of the 6-Part Calm Homework Series

For Parents:

How To Clarify

Homework Task Requirements

and Get to Know

A Child’s Learning Preferences

Last Week

Part 4

Part 4 of the 6-Part Calm Homework Series

For Parents:

How Both Parents and Children

Can Prepare Mentally In Advance

For Homework Sessions

(Here are the links you need to catch up

by reading Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3)

A green and white heading including the words "An Introduction to the Blog". Desigined to guide new visitors to the introductory information they will need to help them understand the topics and ideas Clare writes about on this blog.

I write this blog to share ideas about how we can live our lives with more calmness and less worry. I discuss practical steps that we can take in our day-to-day lives that will hopefully help to bring a sense of calmness to our minds, homes and our families as a whole.

I have always lived with worry and have often felt anxious. I would describe myself as “a worrier”.

I used to think worry was an intrinsic part of my personality. I believed my relationship with worry was something that I could not change. I thought I just had to put up with it as part of me and as part of my life.

It was only when I saw my son worrying and feeling anxious too, that it brought home to me the true impact that worry and anxiety can have on a person’s enjoyment of life.

As a Mum, I have become increasingly aware of the impact that worrying and anxiety can have on the whole family.

Throughout this time, I have learned that worrying and feeling anxious are not fixed personality traits and that steps can be taken to ease or try to overcome a person’s tendency towards worry and anxiety.

It is my wish to learn to manage my own relationship with worry and anxiety more effectively.

I have become increasingly focused on finding ways to reduce the levels of worry and anxiety for myself and my whole family.

I have thought a lot about how we can create a calm and supportive atmosphere in our home to encourage a way of living that is less impacted by worry and anxiety.

I spend a great deal of time researching how we can create this calm way of life for ourselves.

While we still experience the inevitable ups and downs of life, I believe my family and I are already starting to feel the benefits of seeking out a life that includes more calmness and less worry.

I am now sharing and discussing the useful information I continue to learn here on this blog, “Creating Calm With Clare“. I hope that sharing my knowledge, thoughts and findings will provide interesting reading and inspiration to others who are craving more calmness and less worry.

How to Navigate the Creating Calm With Clare Blog and Read the Posts of Most Relevance to You

If you would like to start reading now, you can skip straight to my most recent post here:

Alternatively, you can follow my recommendations on how to find the posts that will be of most interest to you personally:

I recommend everyone reads my Introductory Post. This sets out the full reasons why I sought out a calm way of life in the first place and why I continue to do so. It introduces the topics and ideas you can expect to read about here at Creating Calm with Clare.

Having learned what to expect on the blog, you can choose one of two routes to explore and read the calm-related topics I write about here:


  • You can use the menu and choose a particular category of the Creating Calm With Clare blog that interests you (Mind – Body, Parent – Child, House – Home). You can then choose to read the posts that are most relevant to your life from your chosen category.

To help you decide what to read on the blog, you may wish to spend a bit of time thinking about what your own definition of a calm life would be. If so, I have designed a flow chart to help you with this.

You can download the Free Printable Flow Chart below and spend some time considering what a calm life would look like for you and what might be standing in the way of that life. Working through this flow chart will help you to design your own personalised reading plan for the Creating Calm With Clare blog. Your answers will signpost you to the most relevant section of the blog and help you decide where to begin your reading.

Free Printable

[*Please note – if you are viewing this post in WordPress Reader you will need to visit the Creating Calm With Clare site to download this printable]

Design your own personalised reading plan for the blog

A small example of the flow chart that Clare has designed to help readers design their own personalised reading plan for the blog. It is available to download as a free printable.

Whatever you choose to read on the Creating Calm With Clare blog, I hope you find some helpful information to inspire you to create the calm life you crave.

About Clare

I live with my fiancee and son in the South of England.  I have always enjoyed reading, researching and writing. Thinking back, I realise I have always wanted to be a writer of some kind.

I studied Law at University and worked as a Criminal Prosecutor for a number of years. I most enjoyed the parts of my work and studies that involved research and writing.

When I became a mum, I left work to focus on raising my family.

My studies and previous jobs provided me with the opportunity to carry out research in the library, to prepare and collate cases and to provide written advice to others.

Now I am at home with my family, I am able to pursue my love of writing in a different way. This blog, Creating Calm with Clare provides me with the perfect opportunity to combine all of my interests, hopes and aims. I can share knowledge, enjoy writing, research useful information that can help my family and hopefully inspire those who read the blog too.

Wish to Learn More?

Author of Creating Calm With Clare is introducing herself by way of a photograph in which she is smiling. Clare is wearing her glasses and is dressed in a patterned green top.

That’s Great News !

If you are enjoying reading the information and ideas I share here on the blog, it would be great to hear from you.

My aim is to share helpful information. Therefore, please let me know which posts you have found particularly interesting and useful.

If you have downloaded the Free Printable Flow Chart that I have shared above and worked through it, I would love to hear which category on the flow chart received your highest score and, therefore, which section of the blog is likely to be most interesting and useful to you.

If you have any suggestions for calm-related topics that you would like to read about, please share them with me. Your suggestions will help me choose which topics to write about in future posts.

If you become a regular reader of the blog Creating Calm With Clare, you can expect my posts to provide lots of information for you to think about.

While awaiting a new post, you can also connect with me on Pinterest and Instagram.

On Pinterest, you can browse my blog posts visually. I have also saved a variety of inspirational and helpful resources to my boards from other sources about all things calm.

Click the Pinterest link below, to explore my growing collection.

You will also find me on Instagram, where you can browse shorter introductory information about my blog post themes. I also share other calm-related topics of interest that I come across ad-hoc throughout the month.

Here on the blog I feature a post each week. I generally post something on Instagram throughout the week that coincides with the theme of the “Featured Post” (See the top of this About page for the link to the blog’s current “Featured Post”).

Click the link below to join me over on Instagram and take a look at my page.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
